First it was a streamyx problem. Then the modem sulked on me.Now the CPU is dying on me. Gotta get a new CPU tomorrow. And they will take 2 working days to do whatever they have to do. And I can't write about the bloggers luncheon anymore.It will be like stale food after a week of the gathering.
What a gathering that was. Finally got to meet Che'gu KTN(and his family),Nuraina and Tok Mommy,Fauziah Ismail, Wan Dhana and hubby,Baiti,Melvin, Mat BangkaiJeejah Mantra,Zam Bungga Telur,Al Husseyn,Zainal and Azizul.Not to forget Pi Bani. So was the presence of Datuk Syed Idid,Kadir Jasin and Khalid Samad.
And was delighted to see MS,Shah,Kerp,Raden Galoh with Mambang Hijau,Elviza( always gila-gila),Elena with Lan,Muteaudio,Anu,Pokku,Pak Idrus and A Voice again.
And the next night some of us had a wonderful supper at Halim's Ayam Golek.( Kesian Elviza....she was not told about it for if she came who will look after Luke?)
Here's something to describe my feeling after we said our goodbyes.