Salam to all.
I have a short story to tell. Told to me by a sahabat.Told to him by another sahabat. Am not sure if that other sahabat got it from another sahabat.
Anyway,here is the short story. Read it well and just take a moment to ponder about it. I am not trying to preach or anything like that for I am no preacher what more an ulamak but some said I can be an ular dalam semak whatever that mean. here is the story:
A lone traveller goes on a long journey through a vast empty desert. Soon,the traveller chanced upon a hungry lion looking for prey.The traveller sensed danger and took flight with the lion in close pursuit.The traveller was no match for the lion and soon the gap narrowed.
Suddenly the traveller saw an abandoned well and he jumped into it.He hanged on to the rope dangling in the well with the lion attentively starring down on him.No sooner than he realisedthat he is out of danger he soon realised that a very big snake awaits him at the bottom of the well.
In the midst of fear and helpessness,the traveller found two mice,one black and one white nibbling at the rope above his hands. Now with the real fear,the traveller starts to prepare the inevitable,until he noticed something oozing from the side of the well.
Being hungry he dipped his finger and tasted the unknown oozing substance.Much to his suprise,it was honey and it was the best he ever tasted.He soon found himself lapping the honey and forgetting about the mice working their way through the ever thinning rope,the plunge towards the big snake and the lion at the top of the well. he forgets all those dangers due to the sweetness of the honey.
Now, if the sweet honey is dunya/dunia and its attractions ,the rope our umur/age, the snake our grave/kubur, the lion is the malaikatul maut and the two mice are one's night and day, then:
Don't be fooled by dunya(honey) that you forget about your ever decreasing time in this world(mice nibbling the rope) and our appoinment with the grave(awaiting snake) because the lion(malaikatul maut) will always get you no matter how.
Tiga Kisah Sedih Zaman SMAPK
11 years ago
salam brp. I thought it is another folklore when I began reading it... but as I reached the last part I knew it is about us... a reminder for all of us...again, jazakallah for spreading this profound analgy of our live...
Salam Doc,
Except that in reality you only tatse the sweetness of the honey, the rest you don't see them coming.
Only with Iman, then you will not be fooled by the dunya. Wallahua'lam.
Salam Doc,
This is an amazing reminder. If only ...
Salam Doc.
I like this entry :) A reminder for all of us. Although honey is said as the best medicine, but if one consume too much honey, it will eventually bring disaster to one's health. Focusing too much on the worldly thingy is also bad for the health.
Have a nice day, Doc.
Beautiful doc, so very beautiful.
thanks doc, that was beautiful.
a timely reminder for me. have not been in my best behaviour lately. Nauzubillah.
Wow, thanx Tokasid for the beautiful story. Never heard it before but got it loud and clear...
Yes, too much of a good thing can make us forget why we're here in the first place...
Salaam doc,
We are easily distracted kan?
Hi Doc,
Ah...I was wondering where this story was going...
Thanks for sharing, because that story summed up our life pretty well...
Will do us good to remember...=)
nasib baik gua tak cuka madu, kalau ganti dengan ribena atau beer(untuk kaki minum) alamat lebih banyak yg kena, kekekek.
Good 'chicken soup' for the week.
wow...i like this! sums up our walk on earth very nicely!
salam to TA,
Lama tak update?
gathering Medic 85/87.jom join?plez visit my bloq and comment.
Doc hang x 100 persen betui laa...
Reminded me of another proverb: "only TWO things in life we are assured of: death and - TAXES"
Antara ulaq ama singa awat hangpa lopa bayaq income tek bro?
Joke aside, it's beautiful bro'...
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My name is Edward Skading and I am writing to seek your corporation and support to help me uphold our consumer rights against F&N Dairies’ Contaminated Condensed Sweet Milk – Tea Pot brand.
The full information is posted on my weblog If you wish to contact me please send an email to
I would greatly appreciate your support to expose this incident to all Malaysians because it seems like most main stream media is not interested in this horrible discovery. I wish they would take notice.
I am also in the midst of being taken to court by F&N because of my determination for transparency and truth.
Please come forward and help me. I would greatly value it.
Thank you.
Yours truly,
Edward Skading
Dear friends:
I am sorry I couldn't reply to your comments eventhough I tried several times until I gave up.
Today apparently the streamyx connection is behaving well to me.
Thanks for all your comments guys.
salam, thanks a lot for a such a meaningful lesson in life.
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