What more can I say.
Our son turned 18 today. He can be considered an adult now. His opinions matters.
He has grown from my forearm's lenght 18 years ago to a tall well built young man making me like a midget. But deep inside me he is still my little boy. The guy whom we took turn at night to feed or to change his diapers. The toddler who sometimes refuse to sleep ,not until we take him for a joyride around Melaka town where he will fall asleep in his mom's arms. The guy whom I always carry around like a kanggaroo carrying its child in a pouch like bag strapped to my chest.The guy who waited for me to comehome from work and take him on the motorcycle ride in Ujong Pasir.
The guy who gave us panic moments on our trip to the eastcoast in the early 90s when we got asthmatic attack(during the first haze episode engulfing the nation) while we were between Kemaman and Dungun. A nebulizer in Dungun Hospital made him better.
A guy who never gave us any problem since his birth to this date( he better not start now!). A guy who became the first grandchild of our families and a darling to his grandparents.
A guy who liked Doraemon so much that when he was 4, he singlehandedly entertainted everyone during my brothers wedding kenduri with his 'solo performance' of Doraemon and Nobita over the PA system.
But today he is unable to celebrate his birthday with us. He is away at the foot of Gunung Ledang. He's there to look for Puteri Gunung Ledang following the footstep of Hang Tuah. Maybe all he'll find is Tiara Jacquelina there. Or the many Orang Asli there.
He's there in a programme that sucks lots of ringgit from the govt's coffer.
Yes, our son is in the PLKN camp at the foot of Gunung Ledang. It'll be good for him, the training .
Thinking of Doraemon?

He met several of his primary school's classmates there after 6 long years. At least that is one positive thing about the programme.
Now that you are 18, your Mama and Ayah realise that we will need to let you fly on your own soon. You will have to work hard for your ambition and future. We will always be around when needed.
A time will come when we will be separated by a great distance for you to seek new horizon.We will miss you very much when that moment knocks at our door. But worry not. We will never forget you. We will carry your love and joys you gave us to our graves.
You are 18 today. You will only be able to read this piece during the CNY break. But the future holds for you if you know where and how to look for it. Your Mama and me had given the best that we can afford since your birth.We gave the best love that we knew to you.We look for the best Quran teachers for you. We gave you the good schools that we know of. All you have to do is use your knowledge,your iman and the love we showered you in whatever you do.
Happy Birthday Hafiz. Mama loves you.Ayah loves you.We all love you.
Long time no write?..Welkam back!
Auntie Puteri also would like to take this opportunity to wish Tokasid's young man, Hafiz, Happy 18th Birthday. May Allah swt bless you always..
Hui lamanya hilang,
ni pakcik ud yang dok tibai buah pelam tok dia dulu , nak ucap selamat hari jadi jugak la
rindu betui nak baca blog hang,
Dr Tulang
Amboi, bila hang buat disappearing act, Houdini pun kalah.
Happy Birthday Hafiz dan ingat pesan ayah tu. Kalu jumpa Tiara di sana habaq la kat uncle ni.
Anak dah meningkat usia..(Happy Birthday)...
Sebenarnya kita dah masuk ke alam orang tua2..(Panggilan Pak Cik dah bergema). Perlu banyak barubah dlm semua segi. (Aku dgn Shed Pele dan Chop hal makan belum berubah...hehehe enjoy)
Anyway happy birthday utk anak hg dan bila kita nak gathering sebelum masing2 berumur 50th..hehehe. Keep in touch
Happy birthday to your son.
lamenya menyepi? ;)
Salam bro...Syoknya dapat baca balik your writing...
Happy 18th Birthday Hafiz...Semoga terus terusan menjadi anak yang soleh...Nama pun Hafiz kan? Alhamdulillah, dengarnya Hafiz banyak masuk tilawah juga...
Bro, Hafiz mcm replika you la... You macam tu ka masa muda-muda? hehehe...
Salam to kakak ok?
Happy Beday Hafiz
Mr Kalahari(I am hot)
salam TA..
Hepi besdei untuk Hafiz ..moga menjadi anak yang baik untuk ayah dan ibunya..insyaallah.
Hafiz macam fotostat bapanya kan?
Happy birthday to Hafiz....semuga Hafiz berjaya dunia dan akhirat.
Dari Uncle Sarawak..
Maaf lewat hantar ucapan Happy 18th Birthday. Semoga terus berjaya di dunia dan akhirat.
Happy Birthday Hafiz.
And Doc, before you know it, you'll be receiving menantu...
coincidence nama anak bro smae ngan sy.. mcm mane la pe'el nye kan.. tp bese nama hafiz oprg nye baik2.. ehem2 =)
Amboi Doc, bukan main lama susun ayat. Minggu lepas baru siap tulis.
Apa pun, Happy Birthday to Haffis and don't foget to ask ur parents for birtday gift in the form of a car. Tell them its an investment to pick up a bakal menantu.
happy belated birthday to Hafiz. Sure dia happy kat PLKN...
Ashley: Thanks for the wishes. I am becoming like 'chipsmore': sekejap ada sekejap tak ada.Sigh....
Kama At-Tarawis: Thnks.Hafiz came back during the CNY break and read all these wishes. Amin to tour doa.
Ud:Untuk pengetahuan hang,pokok pelam tu dah kena tebang pasai dah mula berulat isi dia 8 taon dulu. Tapi kami ada tanam pokok baru dan dah berbuah banyak musim dah.
Che'gu: Aku lagi tera dari Houdini pasai dia hilang sat saja. Aku hilang lama...
Kar9: Memang pun makin tua.Pasai ada patient dah panggey aku atok. Ada kaa.....
Akmal: Thanks. Menyepi kerana bertapa di Gunung Ledang...Heh3.
Raden: Thanks.Hafiz dulu banyak masuk Hafazan. Bulan Februari ni ada di peringkat Melaka tapi nampaknya tak dapat dia sertai sebab masih dlm PLKN hingga 2nd week of March.
Replika? Saya rasa saya lagi hensem kot masa muda(oh..dgn penuh perasan I declare this). But I was more talkative than my son.I have no qualms of mixing with ppl but he is a bit reserved.
Mr Kalahari: Thanks. Have gun will travel,right?
Mama zeze; Thanks.Amin to your doa.
Mokk: Thanks bro.Hafiz dah baca.
GUiKP: Jazakallah and amin to your doa.
Pak Mior: Teman rase pun gitu le Yob!
Muhafis: InsyaALLAH sesape yg nama Hafiz/Hafis kena buat perangai baik2 belaka. Tapi yg tak nama Hafiz pun kena le juga gitu jugak.
Mute: Kah3.Thanks for the wishes.tapi pasai birthday present kereta sebijik tu payah la sikit. Kalau dia nak dia beli seniri laa...
Tajudin: Thanks.Setakat ni dia enjoy di PLKN dan hadapi banyak masaalah di sana.
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