At 4 pm I received a SMS from my former school mate in KSAH.
A friend, Azni bin Said passed away due to Diabetic complications.
Arwah Azni was a jovial chap.He was in the College band. He was liked by many for he had a radiant smile on his chubby face. He was a non-hostelite but was liked by us hostelites.
I last met him in 1984 when I did my elective posting at Hospital Alor Setar's Skin Clinic.
He was with the Kedah State Library.
May ALLAH AzzaWa Jalla forgives his mistakes and ours too.
May he be included in the group that will receive syafa'at by Rasulullah SAW and be a member of Jannah. Ameen.
Goodbye my dear friend.
Al Fatihah for you.
Tiga Kisah Sedih Zaman SMAPK
11 years ago
Salam Doc,
Innalillah wa innalillahirojiun. Semoga roh Allahytarham ditempat bersama mereka yang beriman.
Innalillah wa innalillahirojiun. Takziah saya kepada keluarga Allahyarham.
Bila kita dengaq cerita macam ni semua mau tak mau kita akan masuk dalam reflection mode.
Thanks. Bila dpt sms tu terkejut jugak and baru sedar that I am approaching 50 with lots of illness tagging along.
When you remember your old friends you remember them as a teenager. Or at the age when you became friends.
Salam bro...
Innalillaahi wainna ilaihi roji'un...
Setiap kali mendengar berita kematina, terasa hampirnya diri ini ke saat itu...
Semoga Allah meletakkan roh arwah bersama para solihin...amin.
Takziah saya kepada keluarga arwah.
Ya saat itu semakin menghampiri kita.
salam..Al Fatihah
salam Doc
thanks for the info sy yg dok d a setq pun x tahu Azni dah meninggalkan kita. Yang sy tahu Razak Zakaria -Police Cadet time2 kita tu kena potong kaki sbb kecing mnis
Diabetes??? uhhh!
alfatihah jua
Innalillah wa innalillahirojiun...
Let's take better care of our health, and pray to God to let us keep our health.
The worst thing for me bro, as a man I mean, our body grows old but our mind stays young.
Innalillah wa innalillahirojiun. Semoga Allah meletakkan roh arwah di kalangan mereka yang beriman.
Al-Fatihah untuk Allahyarham. Moga ditempat Allah dalam golongan orang yang soleh dan sentiasa dalam rahmatNya
Terima kasih buat sahabat2 yang mengucapkan takziah dan doa utk arwah Azni Said.
Semoga ALLAH memperkenankan doa kalian dan merahmatkan kehidupan kita semua.Amin.
I was just browsing the internet earlier to-nite and it prompted me to type the word azni bin said and when the result came, my heart stopped momentarily. A total and complete shock for me. Arwah and me had come a long way back since our primary and secondary, our bachelor days and married life, his wife Zai and his 3 kids. We know each other very2 well indeed, his family and mine. We visited each other regularly in our homes in Alor Star and he even came to my present home in KL. I'm quite embarrassed to only realised his demise only now after 4 months. During our 6 formers, we were known as the Village people, consisting, Rosli, Izham, Tengku Ahmad, Majid and me. The gorup were together till HSC in 1981.
I'm still in shock and too upset. May him finally rest in peace. My thoughts are with the family now.
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