Hari ini Khamis 8 Mac 2007, bekas DG Pendidikan Tan Sri Rafie Mahat telah pulang ke Rahmatullah selepas beberapa lama sakit. Janazah Allayarham akan di kebumikan di Bukit Baru Melaka pada hari ini juga.
Semoga ALLAH Azza Wa Jalla mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh beliau dan semoga ahli keluarga beliau bersabar menghadapi kematian ini.Ameen.
Sejak 3 hari lalu ,kejadian gempabumi telah melanda Sumatera Barat(SUMBAR) terutama kota Padang. Banyak kematian dan kemusnahan di lapurkan.Namun rakyat Indonesia terus dengan berani menghadapi satu demi satu ujian musibah yg tak henti melanda mereka.
Kita bersyukur tidak menerima seperti mereka.
Kandungan posting mungkin ada kena mengena atau tidak dengan makhluk yang hidup atau yang telah tiada.Kalau sapa-sapa terasa nak buat macamana kan. Sapa makan cabai melaka dia pedaih laa
Tiga Kisah Sedih Zaman SMAPK
11 years ago
uncle rafie atau known among friends and family as hj Rafie was known as a soft spoken, quiet and very family man. in anor words a clean man no hanky pankyscandals etc.Having many kids among his colleague his simplenest and religious value and virtue has kept him as asimple man yet relevant.His ilness may take the loving father away from his family, but not the memories. as for adibah hj mohd rafie, takziah buat dibah sekeluarga. the good one die young and so it it true...he is one of them...Semoga Allah swt mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya. ---old friend....nms
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Personally I've never met Hj Rafie.But my in-laws knew him well as they were teachers in Melaka.And my in-laws knew his family in Kg Musai.
One of my sahabat was close to Allahyarham before he left for Kementerian post.At that time Allahyarham was staying in Paya Ikan,Bukit Baru and was the Principal for Malacca High School.
All have good words for Allahyarham.He was a good man.
we all knew hin as kids as uncle rafie. an uncle of mine was his good friends. he truly is shine in his character as religious,calm,reserve and kind figure to us kid...never potrayed himself to be overpowering or over alim...or berpura 2 and alhamdullilah uncle rafie was never strayed.he kept to his principle.. a man that i truly respect. my memories of him everytime kenduri either at my uncle's place or at masjid he is always there rather simple and quiet. but he is there. serius looking but acknowledging..the last memory of him driving the 2nd hand old volvo in the 80's with akhdiat, azahanim etc when dropping diba to school. My lastinf memory of uncle rafie was when he was then a goodlooking peaceful face uncle albeit slimmer and younger then.but he still is the same person in character now.
insyaAllah he shall be in a place that is among the follower of THE PROPHET MUHD PBUH.
Anon: Yes he was a good man. He was respected by many.Many teachers and his friends had fond memories of him.
InsyaALLAH with the deeds that he had done.the ilmu that he had parted to others and the continous doa that his children will recite ALLAH will bestow HIS Rahmah.Ameen.
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