TA: What happened to you Sri?
SRI: I played Futsal last night and I think I sprained my right ankle la doc.
TA: Alamak Sri...I told you last week not to play yet. You are overweight and not fit to play futsal.Even me, is not fit yet for futsal. You ni betul-betul degil laa.
SRI: Sorry doc. My friends keep on pestering me to play laa doc.
Sri is among the many who came to see me with an ankle sprain. Most are not fit for sports like futsal or football. Most haven't done any exercise for years. But with the Futsal craze everyone wants to give a try...with consequences.
PAIN & Ankle Sprains

Ankle joints and feet are the link between your body and the ground.If the ankle is twisted as the foot hits the ground,particularly during a fall,this may cause an injury called Sprain.
What is ankle Sprain?

The ankle joint is made of 4 bones whose shapes help made the joint stable.Stability around the joint is increased by the ligaments,which are bands of strong connective tissues that prevent unwanted movement.
When the ankle twists,the ligament will prevent the joint from moving too much.
An ankle sprain occurs when one of the supporting ligaments is stretched too far or too quickly,causing the ligament's fibres to tear and bleed into the surrounding tissues.The bleeding causes pain and swelling.
What should I do after a sprain?
In the first 24 to 72 hours after injury, use the P.R.I.C.E. method:
** Protect : protect the affected part from further injuries
** Rest: Stop all activities which causes pain to the sprained area. take it easy but move within your limit of pain.
**Ice: Apply ice packs for 10-15 minutes every 2 hours. This helps control the pain,bleeding and swelling.
**Compression: Firmly bandage the entire ankle,foot and lower leg.This reduces swelling.
**Elevation: Have ypur ankle and leg supported as close to the level of your heart(higher is better).This reduces bleeding and swelling.
What to avoid?
Your chances of full recovery will also be helped if you avoid the H.A.R.M. factors in the first 48 hours after injury:
# Heat: heat will increase swelling and bleeding.( so jangan dab or tuam or demah dengan benda panas or tungku)
#Alcohol: increases swelling and bleeding.
#Running or Exercise: aggravates the injury
#Massage: increases the swelling and bleeding.( most people will do this to avoid 'masuk angin'. Please do not do this first)

What will the doctor do?
Your doctor will examine to determine the extent of your injury. He/she will give medications to ease the pain and reduce the swelling apart from compression/bandaging.
He might order an X-ray too.
You will be given rest( medical leave) for several days before reviewing your ankle after a few days.
You might need a support to move around( crutches or walking stick).
How soon can I get to work or sport?
That will depend on how badly you have damaged the ankle ligament.Returning to work or sports too early can delay healing and prolonged recovery.
Bracing and taping may allow early return to sport but normal ankle ligament strenght and muscle control will take longer.
Can ankle sprains be prevented?
Yes,you may reduce the chance of ankle injury by:
** Warm up before your exercise.Warm down when you finish.
** Wear well-fitting shoes,boots or ankle braces that give good lateral ankle joint support
**Avoid activities on slippery, wet or uneven surfaces, or in areas with poor lighting.
**Maintain a good general fitness.
Sprain: also know locally as terseliuh, tergeliat,terkehel dan terkucil.Ada lagi ka??
Kandungan posting mungkin ada kena mengena atau tidak dengan makhluk yang hidup atau yang telah tiada.Kalau sapa-sapa terasa nak buat macamana kan. Sapa makan cabai melaka dia pedaih laa
Salam Tokasid
Dulu masa saya aktif bersukan, saya main netball untuk wakil unit di pejabat.
Five minutes into the game, I thought I had terseliuh, tergeliat,terkehel or terkucil (or whatever else its called) my knee. The top part of the body turned but the right knee was like it was rooted to the ground.
Terus terkoyak meniscus tissue. Three months later after numerous follow-ups, I had to go for surgery.
Sekarang ni, I'm paying for the consequences of not being careful before undertaking any activities.
Hmmm... very revelent post Dok TA. Last Friday (in fact every Fridays for my batch) I managed to join them playing futsal between the ungodly hours of 10.00 pm and midnite. Imagine, mid-40's perasan lotharios dok perabih all out thinking they were back in Form 2. Definitely a recipe for disaster. In fact, one has already needed a RM 20K ligament operation. I hate playing, but really we show up for the opportunity to "bersillaratuhmi"...
Some months back I hit my toe on the hard faux grass (instead of the bola) and when I pulled my shoe, the big toe nail on my right foot was MIA. Shit, ni dok main lagi... Hai, one never learns...
Best exercise for over-the-hill folks would be something like cycling which is easy on the knees. The knees can't take that much weight these days, that's for sure...
Terima kasih Doc. Nampaknya saya boleh jadi pakar ttg terseliuh lepas ni. Tapi yang susah kalau dah terkucil dari landasan kemanusiaan. Dalam masyarakat binatang takda manusia, tetapi dalam masyarakat manusia ada binatang....
Salam Dr Tokasid,
Semasa saya cedera di kaki akibat terjerumus kedalam lubang tempoh hari, telah menyebabkan ligamen kaki saya koyak (mujur tak patah). Tetapi kesakitan nya amat memeritkan hingga memaksa saya menggunakan semburan penahan sakit. walau bagaimanapun sampai sekarang kaki saya masih belum stabil, lebih-lebih lagi semasa mengangkat benda-benda berat...
Salam to all.
I've had my share of sprains during my footballing and rugby days. Now as I get older, the pain esp in my left ankle will visit me every morning without fail.
Do be careful when doing exercise nowadays. What Matsalo said is true: at our age group cycling is the best exercise esp the 'basikal bodo'(bila kayuh tak berjalan kemana pun).
Or take a weekly walk in the park.
de_kerinchi: joints yang dah injured is considered 2nd hand dah tak ori lagi. Barang tak ori atau recond mana mantap macam asal.Tu yg selalu sakit dan prone to recurrence.
Bottomline: Take care dan kita sedar diri lah yg kita tak youthful lagi. Heh3...
Salam to all.
I've had my share of sprains during my footballing and rugby days. Now as I get older, the pain esp in my left ankle will visit me every morning without fail.
Do be careful when doing exercise nowadays. What Matsalo said is true: at our age group cycling is the best exercise esp the 'basikal bodo'(bila kayuh tak berjalan kemana pun).
Or take a weekly walk in the park.
de_kerinchi: joints yang dah injured is considered 2nd hand dah tak ori lagi. Barang tak ori atau recond mana mantap macam asal.Tu yg selalu sakit dan prone to recurrence.
Bottomline: Take care dan kita sedar diri lah yg kita tak youthful lagi. Heh3...
I think I should go to the dr to check on my ankle.
Lepaih ni blh crita pasai lutut pulak. Futsal punya pasai, my editor just spent 35k to repair his knee.
35K to repair lutut, boleh beli Viva sebijik hang tau ka?
Tadi ada patient aku bagi tau dia nak kena repair tulang spine kat lehiaq dia.Cost 34K.Nak kena wak keluaq duit EPF 24K!
Keh lutut sebenaqnya lebih kurang sama ngan ankle la cuma dia ada banyak sikit jenis injury. Cara manage early injury is still the same.
Salam Pekasam tokasid,
Kalau kaki aku manjang sakit ni pasai apa? Tak bersukan pun sakit. Adakah itu tanda-tanda awal ghout?
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