Nak kongsi artikel yang aku baca. Ia tentang pemerhatian seseorang ke atas dua doktor di kampungnya.Cerita ni aku ambil di Tales of 2 doctors
Tapi ini bukan sahaja berlaku ke atas para doktor tapi macam2 profesion yang lain.
Tapi ini bukan sahaja berlaku ke atas para doktor tapi macam2 profesion yang lain.
Drpd Ibnu umar r.a beliau berkata: Rasulullah s.a.w memegang bahuku sambil bersabda :
Hiduplah engkau di dunia seolah-olah engkau seorang perantau atau musafir lalu.. apabila engkau berada di waktu petang, maka janganlah engkau menunggu waktu pagi, dan apabila engkau berada di waktu pagi janganlah engkau menunggu waktu petang. ambillah peluang kesihatanmu untuk sakitmu dan masa hidupmu untuk matimu.
(Sahih Bukhari)

Assalamualaikum, What I wanna share here maybe upset certain groups of professional. ..but u are free to comment, criticise and revise... When talking about government hospitals in Malaysia and their managements, most of us, if not all, would agree that they are far from perfection. But I don’t wanna talk about that…I just wanna share a few things about doctors in my perspective.
The memories.... ......
Back in Kota Bharu, the place where I was born n get to know life(nota: bukan tokasid kisah ni), I realized something when I was in my secondary school. I commuted from home to school every day using my old motorcycle, Honda C70.
What I wanna share here is on the journey to school, I would pass by two clinics in which my family would go there to get a treatment. And two perceptions came to my mind;
Doctor A drive a brand-new Mercedes E Class (E240-W210 version)-and not so long ago when I went back to Malaysia for summer holiday (2006), the doctor change his/her ride to the most latest E class-W211 edition (aiyoo..manyak ong ini olang woo).


On the other hand, I was a bit surprise with doctor B whose car was just what I called ‘general car’-cikai punya. I whispered to myself “ape citer doctor, takkan jadi doctor pun miskin, ke tak minat krete” …
So, the first conclusion I made was: Doctor A is a great doctor and a good business-minded person while doctor B is not good at business at all.
The problem kept on lingering in my mind for a few weeks before I realized something. Doctor A charges a few extra ringgit compared to doctor B’s clinic. The fact is also agreed by ‘orang2 kampung’ nearby. So, you guys might ask “what is the fuss all about?” Well, I have once had an ambition of becoming a doctor as well.

However, I wanna be rich someday in the future (perhaps I can help those in need with the money) and I knew I am not good enough to be a doctor. I believed at that time (and up until now actually), being a doctor is notthe right profession to make money. It is one of the most honorable professions because doctors deal with those in need. To charge a pathetic patient a few hundreds ringgit just to get my ‘professional advice’ is not what should be done. So I pursue my study in engineering (even though accountant can make money even better).

The suggestion……….
Point No.1 = Hopefully, those who are studying medicine right now, especially Muslims, can be like doctor B. Yes, it is not wrong to charge people how much you want, because it is your clinic after all. Even poor and needy parents will go to your clinic to get a treatment if their cute little baby has a fever. They will pay for it and wont complaint about it-because we are in deed shortage of doctors. Everybody will need a doctor (REMEMBER: seeing a doctor is just an EFFORT to cure a disease- the ultimate healer is Allah the great, no compromise).

Point No.2 = Specialists can earn up to RM200-RM300 or maybe more in just an hour if they work in private hospital. My advice is you should take the money. But always keep in mind: “if a poor people come to me seeking for a treatment, then I must give the treatment even if it is for free (by treatment I mean a simple treatment like fever, berkhattan, stomach ache etc.-kalu yg makan belanja puluhan ribu tu kita consider cara lain pulak)”.
Tuan Guru Nik Aziz, the chief minister of Kelantan, does not mind his salary is cut into half. He himself is willing to do so. So, why not Muslim doctors give a low-charge but high quality treatment to their patients (patient yg da’if la..yg kaya kadar biasa pun takpe)
The conclusion……….. Baik apa pun kerja yang kita lakukan, lakukan kerana Allah. Mungkin ramai doktor di luar sana akan kata: “itu memang hak kami, kami belajar susah-susah…so mintak lebih-lebih sket takpe aaa”. Sebagai Muslim, apa yg perlu kita tanam dalam diri ialah “hidup pada memberi”. Kalu semua Muslim ada sifat sebegini, dan tidak merungut kerana diri telah banyak berkorban, insyaAllah Rome akan kita tawan esok. Mungkin Allah menunda kemenangan Islam disebabkan hati kita, para pejuang, masih lagi tidak seperti sahabat2 Nabi dahulu.

Business Abu Bakar As-Siddiq habis digadaikan untuk Islam. Mus’ab bin Umair (if I not mistaken….please betulkan) sanggup tinggalkan kemewahan yg famili beliau ada dan ikut Nabi. Ini hanya dua tiga contoh sahabat.
Oleh Itu, kepada bakal-bakal doktor, tanamkan dalam diri, aku ingin jadi doktor untuk: Bantu orang-orang di Malaysia. (dan bukannya untuk jadi kaya). Susah sebenarnya ana nak luahkan apa yang difikirkan dalam kepala ini. Bukannya salah untuk jadi kaya, tapi kalau boleh kita nak tengok biar doktor-doktor Islam tidak meletakkan keutamaan mereka pada kekayaan. Itu sahaja niat penulisan saya. Kalau doktor Islam di US pun boleh buat(sepertimana artikel sebelum ini), doktor Islam kat Malaysia pun boleh juga!!
**TA: category C. Langsung tak tau meniaga.Tau kerja saja. Jgnkan keta chikai, cuma kapchai saja yg layak.
Kandungan posting mungkin ada kena mengena atau tidak dengan makhluk yang hidup atau yang telah tiada.Kalau sapa-sapa terasa nak buat macamana kan. Sapa makan cabai melaka dia pedaih laa
Hi Tokasid,
"Hopefully, those who are studying medicine right now, especially Muslims, can be like doctor B"
I fully agree with your other statements, but am a little ruffled by the statement above...
I think all doctors regardless of religion should be like Doctor B...Because all religions teach us to do good, not just Islam (don't get me wrong, am not agaisnt Islam...In fact, am very supportive)...
All doctors should earn their wage halal-ly and with compassion and a desire to serve as their guiding light...
It doesn't mean if you're a Muslim, and you're like Doctor B, you'd be a better doctor...Likewise, just because you're a Christian or Hindu or Buddhist, or even a free-thinker or Atheist, and you're like Doctor B, it doesn't mean you're a better doctor...
You're a better doctor because of how you choose to practise, not whose name you choose to practise in...
Medicine and the ability to heal, is a splendid thing, and it transcends all religions and races...
Sorry, but have to disagree with your statement strongly...
the hospital used to be my playground. first, the Seremban hospital, second the GHKL and third the Sultanah Aminah. almost all my life tinggal di hospital quarters. my mum was a nursing sister and my father the hospital supervisor. mungkin dah jemu dengan keadaan hospital, hati ini tak mahu ada kena-mengena dengan hospital lagi.
you know when they say, cita-cita anak-anak tu sebenarnya cita-cita ibubapa mereka? well, i thought, i wont let that happen to my kids. they will choose what they want to be. when my daughter kata nak jadi doctor, the same advise i gave her.
ini satu profession yang mulia dan tak boleh berharap nak bermewah-mewahan. after kepulangan afifah, dia kata nak jadi arkitek semula. tak pe lah, at least ada sorang lagi anak yang nak jadi doktor. Veterinarian!
Dalam hal kesihatan jangan la charge tinggi sangat. Patut2 jadi la. Yang penting perkhidmatan kita mesti ikhlas. Masa kita tengok patient, dalam hati mesti tertanya 'macam mana aku nak tolong dia' jangan la 'ha ini yang ke lembu yang ke 20 hari ni aku dah dapat, ni dah bagus ni."
Ingat tak masa orientasi dulu,senior kita tanya.." kenape awak nak jadi doktor? Most of us jawab " to serve the people"
Mr CGOPD and MJ gelak kat kita.." baguih hang jadi waiter je..boleh serve the people better"
Masa berlalu dan pengaruh alam sekitar...mengubah idealisme ini menjadikan para doktor "mata duitan"....sehingga hilang etika kedoktoran mereka,....lagi pun kita tak pernah di ajar etika ini masa sekolah kat UH dulu...
Etika keislaman dan persaudaraan islam dan menganggap pekerjaan ini sebagai ibadah...akan menyelamatkan kita dari lari daripada niat asal kita ...insyaAllah.
Kat Samarahan ini...kebanyakan nya petani...susah nak caj konsultasi...kita caj RM5 pun rasa tak sampai hati sebab depa ni org susah...last-last caj ubat aje.
Dulu semasa nak start buat GP...kawan kat Kuching kata..."Are u crazy nak buka GP kat sana...susah lah u nak kaya"..."well ..itu bukan keutamaan nak buka klinik kat situ.".I jawab mereka.
Sama kita TA....pakai kereta cekai..tapi ada motosikal Kriss..ha ha
Salam to all.
Daphne Ling:
TQ for leaving a comment here.I feel honoured with your presence.Normally I read your comments in Elviza's.
"Hopefully, those who are studying medicine right now, especially Muslims, can be like doctor B"
had made you a bit uncomfortable.
I you look at it again it said: those who are studying medicine right now,especially Muslims.
Generally it was meant to all irrespective of race or religion. The original write wrote this and was published in Persatuan Perubatan Islam Malaysia mailgroup. In this mailgroup we had lots of medical students. So this message was actually for them. From what I gathered the 2 doctors mentioned in this entry are both Malay Muslims. That is why the original writer mentioned "especially Muslims". The 2 doctors were Malay Muslims and the target reader were medical students of PPIM.
I have lots of colleagues operating their own clinics. Most are like A, whether they are Muslims,Hindus,Christians or Buddhists.That is their choice I and respect that. If they think they need several Mercs or Beemeers then let them have it.
There also few friends who purposely open in rural areas and they are not well-off like the A type.That is their choice. If they are happy with a Proton or a Honda City or a Toyota Vios and they don't need a BMW or MB ,so be it.
Me and mokk of Samarahan opened our practice in rural areas and we understand we won't make much out of it. But sometimes you feel your root at rural areas.We don't feel important at these areas.We felt at home.
I'm sorry if I had offended you but I took the article in total without any editing to it.
TQ once again DL.
Wow! Lamanya U tinggal dalam kawasan hospital. That will make U have to choices:
1-Join the medical fraternity
2-No more of those medical stuff in your life.
I had an aunt who was a Nurse in Kedah. Used to stay with her for several weeks during school break but it never influence my decision.
I never wanted to become a doctor in the first place.I always wanted to be a teacher( my mom was a taecher in sekolah melayu and my late Paksu was a teacher...I wanted to be like him).
During my Asasi sains days in MU( with mokk and CGOPD)we were supposed to fill up certain forms, which faculty you would like to go after completing your Asasi.
My choice for putting Medicine was purely following other friends. I never expected to go to Med school. But once you were there, you have no choice but workhard( mokk will laugh at this"workhard").
My parents just all the decision to me( and my siblings).Mak and Bapak said: Ikut suka hang lah nak masuk fakulti mana pun. Kami tak kisah. Yg penting hang kena belajar sungguh-sungguh.Kami akan doakan hang. Ilmu tu lah jadi harta hang nanti.Kami bukan ada apa nak tinggalkan kat hang ngan adik-adik hang bila kami mati nanti"
Ghe'gu KTN dan NTN:
Hahaha...memang ada jugak kawan-kawan yg dok kira berapa orang dah dia semeleh pada hari tu. Dia kena ada target minima pesakit setiap hari kalu tak ada harta meredak dia yg susah nak cover bulan tu.
Aku ngan mokk buka di kawasan kampung jadi payah nak semeleh orang. Kadang2 kami terpaksa bagi free saja utk sorang dua( kalu semua free towkay balak pun bangkrap). Nak buat lagu mana kan. Pada aku itu semua bergantung pada individu.Kena cari jalan tengah ie nak cari makan dan mewah sikit serta bantu orang sedaya yg kita dapat.
Mamat mokk:
Betoi tu syeh. CGOPD ngan MJ masa oreientasi memang tak sah kalu tak pekena kita.Mentang2 depa dah lama kenai kita depa titik sungguh2 la.
Keta cikai pun takpa mamat asal hati senang.
Tuan Doc. Bagi saya setiap pekerjaan yang kita lakukan dengan ikhlas adalah satu amal dan akan mendapat ganjaran dari Allah S.W.T. Apatah lagi apabila kita dibayar untuk buat kerja tersebut, maka kita perlu lebih berdedikasi. Tentang doktor A dan B tu, bagi saya bukan sebab bayaran untuk khidmatnya yang lebih sedikit yang menjadikan Doktor A lebih mewah, tetapi sambutan orang ramai terhadap kliniknya. Yang pergi ke klinik swasta, yang mampu sahaja. Kalau ubat yang mereka dapat dari sesuatu klinik itu mereka rasa mujarab (hanya Allah sahaja yang menyembuhkan) mereka akan sentiasa ke klinik tersebut.
Bagi yang kurang mampu yang kita perlu kasihankan, kerana mereka tarpaksa ke klinik kerajaan. Di sini lah layanan baik itu yang diperlukan. Kalau doktor2 ini, semasa buat "locum" di klinik2 swasta, cukup baik budi bahasanya, maka perlulah berterusan semasa di klinik kerajaan juga. Walaupun semasa kerja luar dapat bayaran lebih, bertugas di klinik kerajaan akan dapat lebih juga, tapi lebih ganjaran dari Allah S.W.T,jika memberi khidmat dengan penuh keikhlasan. Walluhua'lam.
Pak Zabs:
memang benar kata pak zabs.Yang penting rawatan yg diberikan dan layanan kepada pesakit amat penting. If Dr A nak caj lebih dan pesakit willing to pay thats okay.Kalau pesakit rasa mahal sangat,mereka boleh pergi Dr B the next time.
Dr B nak caj rendah that is his right. Kadang2 ada pesakit dari luar kawasan(esp dari KL) terkejut dgn apa yg kami di luarbandar caj.Terkejut sebab murah. tapi sewaan kedai di tempat kami juga murah berbanding di kota. Macam mokk kata, di rural areas kebanyakkan petani( di tempat saya byk penoreh getah dan pekerja kilang)yg pendapatan tidak menentu payah juga nak caj lebih2. Di sini klinik kerajaan sudah di upgrade nak lengkap segalanya. Ada doktor pakar lagi. jadi kdg2 kita bersaing dgn klinik kerajaan yg bayaran teramat murah. Yg penting, kita dan pesakit berpuas hati.
Salam Doc...Membaca tulisan Dr TA membawa ingatan saya ke satu peristiwa di USA dulu sewaktu nak melahirkan anak yang sulung. Di sana nak ke hospital kena ada insuran tapi saya tak dpt insuran utk maternity jadi menghadapi masalah masa tu nak cari hospital yang boleh terima saya...
Then pihak University sarankan saya ke Bluffton Community Hospital...doctor2nya sungguh baik hati dan mementingkan humanitarian...kata mereka jangan risau soal bayaran..yang penting bayi mesti selamat dilahirkan... bila anak dah lahir baru mereka bincang soal bayaran. bayaran ceasarian memang mahal dan saya tak mampu nak bayar... USD10,000 tu. Mereka memberi saya diskaun dan memberi kemudahan instalment (bayar ikut kemampuan lagi)...saya kenang jasa doctor mat salleh sorang ni yang sungguh baik hati hingga akhir hayat... mulia sungguh hatinya...perihatin sungguh jiwanya...
Payah nak cari kat Malaysia ni...
Keadaan di luar negara lagi susah.Kena ada insurans etc kalau tak memang perit kita. Tapi atas sebab itu mereka punyai Hospital2 yg berperikemanusiaan.
Kalau di Indon(menurut bibik saya) bila masauk hospital kita bayar deposit.Bila rawatan diberikan setakat harga deposit saja.Kalau tambah bayaran rawatan di sambung.Kalau tak bayar pesakit terlantar tapi tiada doktor yg rawat.Tak pasti samada tu hosp swasta atau kerajaan.
Memang betul susah nak cari doktor macam tu.A friend told me few years back; TA, kita dulu belajar punya lah lama. Orang lain 3-4tahun dah tamat.Kita antara 5-6 tahun.Tension 24jam.bila nak exam dapat insomnia sampai sebulan. Kadang2 kena re-sit papers so orang cuti kita sambung lagi masa cuti. Lepas grad, kena buat housemanship setahun.Kerja macam lembu dari 7 pagi-12 tghmalam.Kena maki hamun dgn specialist. Kdg2 nurses dan sister pun marah kita. Pernah aku di marah attenden kau tau tak?
Jadi bila buka klinik sendiri,itu semua kita kena cover balik.Segala tension dan maki hamun mesti kita claim balik.Macamana? Kita kena buat duit banyak2.
That sums up his mentality.
Dear Tokasid,
Firstly, allow me to apologise for recklessly asuuming you wrote the article...For that, I believe an apology is due =)
Regardless, I still say that bringing up a profession is a must for all races. True, there are more and more Malays practising/studying medicine, but the 'silent minority' syndrome cannot be allowed to prevail (ie: forget that a few bad apples can spoil the basket)...That is why all the races must play their role (and be educated equally when studying) in upholding the dignity of the profession, and there must not be segregated concentration...
But yes, I (now) know you didn't write it...;)
Salam Brother,
Ah, what a controversial posting we have today. A true kepochi me would, of course, wants to leave a comment. Allow me.
This happened in 1992. Shortly after my SPM result came out, my homeroom teacher confronted me. She said:-
"Elviza, kenapa tak nak buat medic? Semua subject nak buat medic you excelled - bio, chemistry, maths.... Why law school?"
I didn't remember what bollocks I told her. But here in your blog, I have an honest-to-god answer for it.
I am human and I like money. I like the sense of security it brings. Nothing less and nothing more. And I know, if I turned up to be like Dr. A (whom I assumed was practising for money as opposed to healing), I can never forgive myself.
In my humble point of view my brother,practising medicine and making lots of money do not go hand in hand. Well, ideally it shouldn't be.
Be that as it may, your profession is the one I respect the most. I remember all of the hands that healed me, my family and my loved ones.
Thanks for the space TA!
p/s: to those thinking of going to law school, please take note that YOU WONT MAKE A LOT OF MONEY EITHER. There, I said it.
Apology accepted.In the first place there was no need for an apology from you.Your opinion on this matter is appreciated.
I agree that Malaysians of all races should get opportunity to seek knowledge in all disciplines. I noted bakaq of penarik beca
wrote about scholarships.
When I was doing meds I coluldn't understand why most of my non-bumi friends didn't get scholarship for medicine( and engineering or science too) unless they are from Sabah or Sarawak( some are considered Bumi).And some Malays from high standing society such as PM, Setiausaha Negara,YBs or EXCOs do get scholarship.
But unfortunately thats the way it was( not sure still is though).
In this matter I supported the BA manifesto of free education till the 1st degree to all.Still do.
TQ.Have a nice day.
Very well written.
I think we shd not encourage our kids to any profession just for the financial renumeratiosn, but must be based on their interest and effective societal contributions.
We should encourage social work and charity as a Malaysian way of life. After all, we can only eat at most 2 plates of rice and there is only so much one can splurge. There is only so much premium to a branded good worth buying.
I was told by a very realiable source or let me put it as the source that Jeanne was presented with a handbag worth RM300,000 as marriage present. Just imagine how much RM300,000 is worth to perhasp a poor area in Sabah that survive on a meal a day.
I dread the way society has moved to see money, luxury and branded goods as status symbol than the honour, good value, and good value.
I have tasted luxury and elegance of high society but felt much void in it. I was born in this world naked and penniless, thus I can do without.
Nothing beats wearing that Bata sandal that used to cost me RM9.99 but now RM29.99. And, nothing beats that mamak van of cendol and rojak eaten under a big shade with trees blowing. One of the fun thing in life is a dip in the river or pond back in kampung. NO fruit like pluking and climbing your own rambutan.
Good choice you made there.
When we were in Asasi we had a friend whose father is a prominent lawyer(now).daddy wants him to do medicine but this lad wanted law.So , he followed his father's wishes.Finished 2 years of Asasi and continue with medic. After he passed his 1st professional exam(our 1st year) he told his father: If I continue with medicine I know I will become a doctor one day. But I wanted law. I had followed your wishes and had proven to you I can pass my exams. Please allow me to do law. His father was okay with that and my friend flew off to London to read law.
I believe there a still lots of doctors out there who are really serving their patients well.
With the glut of lawyers nowadays(at least there is in Jebatville)memang susah cari makan.Some had to 'chase ambulance'.
Pak A Voice:
I agree with you. Let and encourage our kids to choose what the want. We guide them but not forcing them. I guess live in the 60's and 70's are more simple that there was no pressure on us to decide what we want as a profession.
RM300K for a handbag?MasyaALLAH. I mean....I hope that handbag won't rot kalau kena air banjir di KL. Who am I to say that is a pembaziran.
Yes , nothing beats a cold cendol with pasembor under the pokok ceri.
Dear TA,
Awang Kelana melapor diri ni.
Masa I kecik2 u,I nak jadi Tok Mudin.I cukup suke kat TokMudin potong anu orang,budak2 takut kat dia.Bila dia lalu tempat kite org mandi sungai ..Ketaq.
Bile saya belajar ambik ujian utk jadi Tok Mudin tak pas....jadi saya kerje potong ayam la sekarang.Bile potong terkulai kira same la tu.
Saya kagum dgn TA punya pegangan dan karier Tuan...Dr ade nak pakai assistant sunat tak? Pikir2kan teringin balik nak jadi TM
Maaf Doc. Maaf nak tahu kenapa lawyer di sana perlu kejar ambulan?
RM300k tu boleh buat 10 rumah murah. Boleh bantu orang orang susah seperti dalam rancangan Bersamamu TV3 tu. Kalau bagi satu keluarga RM500 sebulan boleh cukup untuk 50 tahun. Ya Allah jadikanlah kami orang2 yang pemurah. Ameen.
Awang Kelana:
La ni tok mudim macam dulu orang dah tak pakai lagi kecuali sesetengah tempat. kebanyakan guna doktor atau pembantu perubatan.
Jgn kagum dgn pegangan dan kerjaya saya.Bagi saya ini hanyalah rezeki dan ujian yg ALLAH limpahkan.Macam yg saya katakan, menjadi doktor bukan pilihan utama saya( malah tak pernah termimpi pun).Cuma ALLAH buka jalan ke arah itu(masa isi borang majoriti kawan2 isi nak masuk medic,saya pun tulis nak masuk medic,tak sangka dapat pulak). Pegangan saya mungkin kerana saya sering terkenang akar umbi saya. Betapa susah dan perit mak bapak nak sara anak yg ramai. Bila ada kes2 macam tu, hati jadi cair. Saya dpt rasakan perit yg mak bapak tanggung.
Pak zabs:
Mereka jadi ambulance chaser mungkin sebab competition sengit pak. So ada lawyer yg hantar kaki berkeliaran di hospital terutama ke ER dan wad ortopedik nak cari kes2 accident.
Yes RM300K, mcm2 boleh buat utk kumpulan yg memerlukannya.
Salam Tokasid
I was in the Science Stream after the LCE exams. It wasn't my choice. I was one of those chosen to fulfill the government quota of Malay students in the Science Stream.
I fought against it. I was already in Commerce (Dad was an auditor, only fitting that I was in that class), doing pretty well, in accounts but Dad convinced me otherwise. He probably wanted one of his children to do medic but he didn’t say it outright.
All three of us were in Science stream but my eldest brother, if had lived, would have been a land surveyor, I turned out to be a journalist and my IT graduate youngest brother is in the civil service.
None of us took up medicine. If we had studied medicine and become a specialist (a pakar buis friend of ours at IJN was earning RM30,000 some years ago, I don’t know he’s salary now) we could become rich or otherwise. We wouldn’t know now, would we?
But in any profession, we have to do it kerana Allah SWT. Bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada.
Amt betul kata Fauziah.Apa pun kita buat biarlah kerana ALLAH coz that will make our vocation an ibadah.And syukur with what we got but the halal way.
ppl might think being a journalist is not important.But to me it is very important. The influence of journalists to ppl is very remarkable. Siapa yg tiupkan semangat kemerdekaan dulu if not the journalists? Journalists can make or break a society. If journos promote the the good deeds the tatasusila , the dakwah accordingly,insyaALLAH with time we will get that kind of society. But if journos decide to promote hiburan tanpa sempadan, slanders and lies, hedonism, eventually that the kind of society we have.
I believe if all of us go about our responsibilitues with amanah and be a bit humble, we'll be happy at the end of the day.
kalau ada org mcm hang aman dunia...antaq ramai pt mai apotek aku...alhamdulillah
Salam again TA,
The ambulance chasers can make tonnes of money you know? The good ones lah.
But area of expertise once again, is a matter of preference and choice. Your conscience will someday come knocking on your door, if not sooner, later.
All I can say is that, you doctor ker, you loyar ke, you politician ke, your conscience must be cleared. Barulah boleh hidup dengan aman.
Good thoughts you opened up here Doc!
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