Made famous for the discovery of tin( bijih timah) by Long Jaafar and later on by the rivalry of two Chinese gangs( of immigrants).
Also famous is the Taiping Lake Garden with its beautiful lakes and raintrees and its Zoo.
And the best part (for me that is) is the Cendol, Pasembor and bubur gandum by the mamaks.

Pasembor: cucur udang with timun, sengkuang and kuah kacang panas
Kandungan posting mungkin ada kena mengena atau tidak dengan makhluk yang hidup atau yang telah tiada.Kalau sapa-sapa terasa nak buat macamana kan. Sapa makan cabai melaka dia pedaih laa
1 comment:
I am printing the entry so I can it as a pictorial guide to head straight to this cendol and pasembor place.
More food entry, more food entry, sir. I am a big fan of yours.
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