The Star 24th October
Page N8.
The STAR reported that SRK will be conferred a datukship next Wednesday( 29th October) according to Melaka CM Ali Rustam.The event will be held at Seri Negeri and will be live telecast at 10.00 pm.
Ali also hoped that Datuk Shah will stay a few days in Melaka and will visit the Taming Seri Tower,Eye on Malaysia ferris wheel and other attractions.
Ali said: "Despite the criticisms,I still believe SRK deserves the title".
So all Bollywood fans( VVIPs and commoners alike) make sure your diary for Wednesday is free. Make sure you come to Melaka to see 'kera di hutan disusukan'.
Yes, Datin-Datin pull out your best dress for the occassion.Don't worry about your Datuk. He's more than happy if you attend the ceremony,at least he will have the night for himself without you looking over his shoulders.
Datin-Datin are encourage to make a beeline along the Seri Negeri road to wave flags for the new Datuk Shah.It will be a glittering night to remember. And datins, do cross your fingers and do hope Datuk Shah will kiss your over powdered Botox enhanced cheeks. Don't worry, the ass grabbing Datuk will not be in Melaka that night.
Apparently Ali is brushing up his rusty Urdu to impress Datuk Shah. No wonder I see many balacis making their appearance in Nasi Kandaq Subaidah near MITC talking in broken Urdu Hindu Tamil and Farsi making the imported waiters bewildered.
And kurtas in Little India is selling like hot vades with many Pemuda and Putera snatching kurtas right under their MIC counterparts noses making those boutique owners confused for they thought the Pemuda and Puteras are celebrating Divali like their MIC brethens.
And I see many Nepalese workers and Indian workers in the nearby chicken farm looking dejected in Durian Tunggal. I asked one Lal Bahadur why? His response: " Doktor...isekarang itu Shah Rukh mau dapat itu datuk. Saya suda sini kirja 5 tahun apa pun tara dapat. Saya sini kirja satu hari 12 jam, badan sakit-sakit selalu datang jumpa doktor kasi injection,Tapi itu Shah Rukh apa bikin sama Melaka?"
Updates: The datukship conferment is actually on 29th November.The Star reported it here.
Tiga Kisah Sedih Zaman SMAPK
11 years ago
LOL - I wonder how does broken Hindi or Urdu sound like. Tum kana kaya? Mungkin jadi kaya kana tum hey? Jawapan dia mungkin; apa kaya2 orang dok mintak roti kosong dia dok tanya nak makan roti kaya. Piraah!
Sometimes I imagine you are that doctor in HOUSE. LOL. Am I right?
Aku baca hang punya post ni aku dapat idea untuk post sendiri. Terima kasih no.
Salam Doc,
Maka berkata la SRK " biol betul si ali ni, melayang duit aku. Dah lah tu, ini terpaksa pulak aku cium pipi-pipi yg keras tu,"
Haha doc, memang tak habis la jadi lawak turun temurun nanti hal ni LOL.
hahaha, sat nanti bila jumpa SRK, dia ingat ada can kot the new datuk offer dia jadi sidekick dlm next mnvie.. sidekick yang bodo2 tu sesuai ler
I know of many Malays in Kedah and Penang who can speak fluent Urdu/Hindi but at the same time they do not faham sepatah haram pun. Yes they are Hindi film and song fans. I remember listening to several young guys singing perfect Mohd Rafi and Kishore Kumar songs when I was in the primary school.Yet they do not understand what they are singing about.
I like watching House but but certainly don't want to adopt his attitude. But at times I am a bit cranky.
Aku baca dah the Bomoh hang.
Or actually SRK kata like this: "Memang bangang Ali ni...dah le bagi aku pangkat yg tak bawak pekdah apa kat aku, dia belanja berjuta nak bawak aku amek pingat dan dia nak buat siaran langsung pulak tu. memang sah bangap!"
Tu lah dianya...lawak membodohkan diri sendiri. Org macam ni ada hati nak jadi Timbalan PM? Rosak negara kita nanti Akmal.
Pak Mior:
Teman pun herannbebenor dgn si Ali ni, tapi memang dari dulu org Melaka tau dia idak ceredik pun tapi org Melaka lagi idak ceredik...sebab masih pilih dia jadi KM.
Lepas ni saya nak ajak Doc, Chegu, Kerp & Shah jadi pelakon. Saya nak buat shooting kat 'benda pusing-pusing', 'benda tinggi-tinggi', Kota Melaka, Ayer Keroh etc. Tapi shooting dlm bahasa Mandarin. Saya nak target market China. Saya blh slow talk dgn tokey Karaoke utk pinjam kejap GRO diorang. Mana tau lepas ni kita boleh dpt Datuk, kalau nak tunggu saya jadi 'natural' Datuk, lambat sangat.
Masaalahnya aku,che'gu,Shah dan Kerp ada pelampung yang membuat baju kami jadi kembang. Mahu kah market China terima pelakon boroi? Tapi kalau nak dapat Datuk punya pasai aku tak kisah...aku pi gym bagi abdomen jadi berketoi 6!
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