Shimon Peres: I have much respect to Mr. Prime Minister [pointing to
Erdoðan], but they must put things as they really are. Let me start with
democracy first of all. Who was elected by the Palestiniains? Not Hamas
<http://www.hurriyet Hamas/> , but Mr. Abbas. Sixty-two
percent of Palestinians voted for him. ...(tokasid: Pls note that Perez is a LIAR! The people of Palestine voted for Hamas as their ruling government in a just and fair election) Hamas
<http://www.hurriyet Hamas/> participate in elections but
have a very unique idea about democracy ... You go through the elections, after
the elections you can start to shoot, kill and threaten, finish. Democracy
is not matter of elections [as he turns to Erdoðan]. It is a civilization...
...The cease-fire idea in our view is very strange [turning to Erdoðan]. We
never started fire. We told the Palestinians time and again [raising his
voice], 'Don't fire, there won't be fire' ... They broke it ...
You know what it means everyday hundreds of rockets falling at random. A million
people have had to take shelter.
Hamas <http://www.hurriyet Hamas/> leader Meshaal says,
"Israel reacted too strongly," but what do you expect us to do. I do
not understand. What would any country do? What would you do [pointing his
finger at Erdoðan], if rockets fell on Istanbul <http://www.hurriyet istanbul/> every night? ... Gaza is not our enemy. People in Gaza are not our enemy. We are for restoring life in Gaza, but without dictators.
[Ignatius warns Peres about time in 19th minute of his speech]
Our aim is peace not war.
[Peres' whole speech lasts 21.02 minutes. Applause rises from the audience]
Ignatius: This has been a powerful and passionate debate. It is a debate
that can go on tonight for hours but we already passed our closing time...
Erdoðan: [In English] Excuse me.
Ignatius: Mr. Prime Minister [touching his shoulder] I would apologise to
Mr. Erdoðan...
Erdoðan: [In English] One minute ... one minute [touching Ignatius' arm]
One minute. No way out [in Turkish, applause rises from the audience]
Ignatius: Only a minute.
Erdoðan: Mr. Peres, you are older than I am. But the volume of your voice is
too high. And I know this is because of the guilt psychology. My voice will
not be that loud. Know this like that. When it is time to kill, you know how
to kill well. I know well how you kill children on beaches, how you shoot
them. I remember two former prime ministers in your country who said they
felt very happy when they were able to enter Palestine on tanks. And you
gave me numbers. I would give out a name too [referring to the prime
minister saying he/she felt happy when entering Palestine], if maybe some of
you are wondering. I also condemn those who applaud for this cruelty
[referring to the audience's applause for Peres]. Because applauding those
people killing children is a crime against humanity, I believe. We cannot
ignore a truth here. I took many notes here...
[Ignatius touches Erdoðan's shoulder to warn him to end his speech]
Erdoðan: But I do not have the opportunity to answer all these notes. I
would say two things.
Ignatius: Mr. Prime Minister we cannot start the debate again.
[Pushing each others' arm]
Erdoðan: Do not interrupt me.
Ignatius: We really need to let people go to dinner.
Erdoðan: The Old Testament's sixth amendment says 'Thou shalt not
There is murder here. Gilad Atzmon says that Israeli barbarism is greater
than cruelty. He is a Jew. Besides this, Avi Shlaim, international relations
professor at Oxford University, who had served in Israeli army, says in The
Ignatius: I want to ask you...
Erdoðan: ... that Israel has earned the name 'bandit state.'
Ignatius: [interrupting Erdoðan's speech] ... Turn this over to our host
Erdoðan: [to Ignatius] Thank you very much, thank you very much. Davos comes
to an end for me from now on. I will not come to Davos ever again. Know this
in that way. You do not let me speak. You allow [Peres] to speak for 25
minutes, me for 12 minutes. [Erdoðan stands, collects his things and walks
off stage]
Tiga Kisah Sedih Zaman SMAPK
11 years ago
i salute you Erdogan..thank you
Salam Tokasid
He returns home as a hero and he rightfully is.
Incidentally, both our PM and DPM tak pergi ke Davos tahun ini.
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