(Updates:1- This morning while having breakfast, a UMNO friend told me that the 3 bilik gerakan in Telok Mas were re-opened. The price? RM one thousand per bilik gerakan. Muraj sangat prinsip di telok Mas.(mesti YB yang kena dropped lagi bengang sebab anak buah kena beli balik).2- As for Durian Tunggal till now none of the 10 bilik gerakan re-open. And at a main junction near DT masjid, there is a banner which says: Selamat 1 orang KM korbankan 8000 orang.If its still there I'll take the photo of that banner and post it here)When the mainstream media exposed and claimed that there were problems in DAP especially in Penang and Perak certain BN leaders said that how can DAP wrest power and rule when its own(DAP) house is in disoder.
And the media overkill of the so called DAP problem does have its effect on the Barisan Alternatif's image and capability.
Is the BN really stable? Isn't there any internal bickering in BN or UMNO? If you read the mainstream news and you only watch the local TV you'd say that there is nothing wrong in BN. Everything is calm.
But I am sceptical about this matter. There is and underground war going on in Penang Gerakan with Dr Koh's decision to go national and become a federal minister.
And as I have mentioned in my last posting, there is very little activity in BN's bilik gerakan in Bukit Katil and Durian Tunggal,Melaka.
This morning I got my answer.
This morning a young man came to see me. He is an UMNO member. He looks tired and haggard.Apparently he and a group of UMNO members from DUN DT went to see Ali Rustam last night at 11.00pm.They waited till 3 am before Ali came back(from a Chap Goh Mei festival).
There was also another group from Jasin UMNO.
When Ali announced the list of candidates for melaka BN, a few names that was in the list given to Ali(by the respective bahagians) were not picked. In Duran Tunggal for example, 3 names were given(there were voted during the Bahagian meeting), one was the incumbent Datuk Hamden, another was Datok Kadir(ex YB for DT) and the 3rd one is a newcomer but well known(not necessary liked)in DT En Ismail ,the penghulu. Of these 3 names the penghulu is the favourite. But when Ali announced, all three were not picked but a person by the name of Wahab who was from Sri Pengkalan UMNO.
On top of that, a newcomer for DUN Rembia is from Wanita UMNO who also happen to be the chief for Sri Pengkalan UMNO branch. 2 candidate from 1 cawangan.
This disgrunted group was whisked off by Ali. Now these gropu are very upset the way Ali treated them. As of this morning they have closed down all 10 bilik gerakan UMNO in DUN Durian Tunggal. I passed by 2 bilik gerakan and it really were closed. Some were padlocked.
This guy said, they might open back if one of the names submitted is choosen or if they are paid RM10k for each bilik gerakan( they will open it but not necessary will be active).
With this development most probably there will be less BN flags or banners and bunting in DT. In pekan DT, PAS had few flags on but no BN flags yet.
Only PAS flag in Pekan DTtokasid NokiaIn another similar development, Parlimen Bukit Katil will have a newcomer too. YB Prof Dr Ruddin had been dropped after 1 term. And he was the Parliamentary secretary of a ministry!
But we saw it coming t him since he won the last GE. After a year or so, his wife who was TNB's boss in Melaka was transfered to the Klang Valley after there was some 'problems' with some new factories. Ali had intervined to 'settle' the problem and Ali had criticised TNB Melaka. So the Datin got her transfer 24 hours notice.
Ironically, it was Ali who brought back Ruddin from UTM to form KUTKM which was recently upgraded into a university and renamed UTeM. During the last GE Ruddin stood as a candidate(even Ali wasn't happy about that for they had apolitical fall-out when it was said Ruddin became too ambitious in politics) and won. They were childhood friends for the came from the same kampong,kg Bukit Katil. from then onwards (and the wife's transfer) Ruddin political life dwindled. His local programmes was not well received by local UMNO( some said because of Ali's directions, wallahu'alam). Finally Ruddin met his fate yesterday. I am wondering what will he do now? He quit university life to be a politician but that too is shortlived.
And interesting part of this drama,Ali picked up his most loyal man Mat Sirat as the candidate. Mat Sirat was Ali's polsec for many years. He was appointed as the Mayor( before datuk Zaini) which caused a lot of hoo-haa in Melaka. It was during his tenure as the mayor that DAP alleged the MBMB wasted of public funds. And there were lots of noise on how could Mat Sirat 'bought' a piece of expensive plot in Melaka Perdana and built a huge bungalow.
Bilik gerakan BN di tutuptokasid NokiaI am hearing more news in Melaka but I have to verify before writing it up.
Now we know all is not well with BN in Melaka.
And another onetokasid Nokia
Kandungan posting mungkin ada kena mengena atau tidak dengan makhluk yang hidup atau yang telah tiada.Kalau sapa-sapa terasa nak buat macamana kan. Sapa makan cabai melaka dia pedaih laa