
Salam semua.
Sebab engkau satu Malaya bising.
Satu Malaya pot-pet pot-pet cerita tentang engkau.
Engkau memang haiwan glamour.Kat Melaka glamour.Kek Nogori Sombilan glamour.
Kat Selangor lagi kau glamour.
Dulu kat Melaka ramai berpiket nak pertahankan kau sampai FRU,PDRM dan MDAG kepong.
Tapi baru di tunjuk sangkar kau...pakat auw!! semua lari.
Tapi di Melaka ni dulu tuan besau kau Pak Ali telah perli kerajaan Selangor bila nak mengteknologikan kau dengan cara Jerman.
Sekarang sebab kau ramai yang berdemo.

Bantah sebab kau nak di bela dalam kandang teknologi Jerman. Achtung!Achtung!
Dok tak dok rupa-rupanya nak nak mengteknologikan kau rupa-rupanya orang UMNO Sepang.
Tak caya? Eh...caya lah babi...
Bukan aku yang kata.MCA yang kata.
MCA? Sapa dari MCA yang kata?
Ada kenal Dr. Ayam?Tak kenal? Okay..Dr Lee Chong Meng kenal? Ya! Yang jadi calun BN/MCA bagi Bukit Bintang tu....
Dr. Ayam telah mendedahkan dalam akhbar berbahasa Cina Oriental Daily News berkenaan kisah sebenar disebalik "Projek MPF" atau Modern Pig Farming di Selangor yang telah mencetus kontroversi baru-baru ini.
( Berikut adalah di petik dari rencana saudara Roslan sms di sini):
Menurut Dr Lee, kerajaan BN Selangor bawah Khir Toyo dahulu telah merancang menyerahkan projek MPF ini kepada sebuah syarikat Bumiputera yang akan membawa masuk teknologi Jerman melalui dana yang disediakan oleh Program Alam Sekitar PBB (UN). Melalui projek ini syarikat tadi akan mengenakan levi RM50 bagi setiap ekor babi yang dijual oleh penternak bagi menampung kos rawatan sisa babi tadi.
Dan tahukah anda siapa teraju disebalik projek ini?
Tidak lain dan tidak bukan, orang kuat Khir sendiri iaitu ADUN Tanjung Sepat, Dr Karim Mansor (bekas SETPOL Khir). Beliaulah yang menjadi orang tengah untuk syarikat Bumiputera tadi serta yang merancangkan penggunaan teknologi Jerman itu. Anehnya Dr Karim jugalah hari ini begitu galak sekali kononnya menentang perlaksanaan projek ini oleh kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat.


ADUN (Umno) Tg Sepat
Kerajaan BN Selangor bawah Khir Toyo, kata Dr Lee, telah menghantar delegasi kerajaan negeri ke Jerman utnuk mengkaji dan melihat sendiri teknologi Jerman yang digunakan di ladang babi di sana. Siapakah antara yang menyertai rombongan itu? Dr Karim dan Ketua Kampung Ladang Tumbuk, Mohd Tarmudi Tushiran. Tarmudi inilah yang mengetuai lebih 200 orang penduduk kampung berdemonstrasi depan Bangunan SUK baru-baru ini sedangkan beliau terlibat dalam program ini semasa BN kerajaan dulu!
Berikut kenyataan Dr Lee:
Hari ini saya mahu menegaskan bahawa RM100 juta untuk projek ini bukannya dibiaya oleh kerajaan negeri,. Dr Mansor bertanggungjawab membawa sebuah syarikat Jerman untuk berusaha sama (JV) sengan sebuah syarikat Bumiputera untuk maksud itu. Syarikat JV ini nanti akan menggunakan peruntukkan dari UN (Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu)
Menurut akhbar The Sun lagi:
At the press conference he (Dr Lee) strongly criticised Karim and Tarmudi who out of personal political interest made an about turn on the project.
Di sidang akhbar berkenaan beliau (Dr Lee) telah mengkritik keras Karim dan Tarmudi kerana tiba-tiba berpaling tadah dalam isu projek ini semata-mata kerana kepentingan politik peribadi
Rupa-rupanya melalui pendedahan Dr Lee ini kita ketahui bahawa terdapat 132 ladang babi berselerak disekitar Selangor. Kedua-dua EXCO MCA di bawah Khir Toyo dahulu iaitu Chng Toh Eng dan Tang Seed Hang, menurut Dr Lee, telah medapat lampu hijau dari Khir untuk memindahkan kesemua ladang-ladang ini ke pusat seluas 460 hektar di Ladang Tumbuk, Kuala Langat itu.
Yang menariknya menurut Dr Lee lagi, pada bulan Januari tahun ini kerajaan negeri Selangor bahawa Khir Toyo telah meluluskan projek ini dan antara yang menyokong kuat perlaksanaan projek ini adalah Mansor! Menurut Lee juga, terdapat minit-minit mesyuarat dan rekod bagi membuktikan perkara ini!
Begitulah al kisah "babi" di Selangor ini. Sekarang baru kita tahu siapa yang penipu, siapa yang berbohong dan siapa yang "membabi"!
Khir Toyo pada mulanya menafikan perkara ini, dan kemudian memberi pelbagai alasan, Khir Toyo jelas berbohong. Mansor pun pembohong besar begitu juga Ketua Kampung Ladang Tumbuk, si Tarmudi, lidah bercabang itu. Saya tertunggu-tunggu juga bila Utusan Malaysia dan TV3 (perkakas jahat Umno dalam kes babi ini) akan menemuramah Dr Lee Chong Meng.
1-Jadi kalau orang UMNO yg nak mengteknologikan kau apasal pulak orang UMNO Selangor buat demo?
Bottomline nya cik babi oi...sebab fulus lah. Komisyen deme dah hilang.
2-Najis adalah haram di makan oleh umat Islam. Tetapi kehajisan babi terdapat kekhilafan.
bagi mazhad As-Syafie' kebanyakkan ulama mengatakan ianya najis berat kerana menqiaskan dengan anjing yang mempunyai dalil qat'ie mesti di samak. Namun Imam Nawawi seorang ulamak terkenal mazhab Syafie menyatakan babi bukan najis yang berat sebagaimana anjing. Malah tiada dalil yang mengatakan kita mesti menyamak jika tersentuh babi. Terdapat juga imam-imam mazhab ASWJ yang berpendapat tidak perlu di samak jika kita atau pakaian atau pinggan-mangkuk terkena daging babi. Cukup sekadar membasuh seperti biasa.
Salam Doc,
Agaknyalah, la ni orang orang ameno yang terlibat tu, tiap malam berbunyi 'oink, oink!', kerana terlepas pulush yang depa ingat hak mereka :)
Yang terlibat dan terlepas peluang komisyen bukan malam saja ber-oink!oink!
Ada yg kata mereka bagaikan kena 'kenan' kerbau pendek ni. Asal buka mulut je bunyi oink!oink!
Di Jerman tu takada ka teknologi untuk membersihkan orang UMNO macam ni? Di China ada la tapi tak berapa sesuai sebab depa guna firing squad.
Doc, imagine kalau they had won in the last general election. None of this would come out this way. According to the report the farmers have to pay RM50 per head to process a pig at the facility. At the rate of 100 heads per day, one can make a cool RM5000 a day doing nothing but to part of the whole scheme i.e setting up a bumiputra company to handle this stuff.
I've said long ago, UMNO men and women would even sell their own mothers for money.
Now that the story has come out, utusan malaysia is still playing up to fan Malay sentiment. Judging by the number of letters to editor, I believe none of them know the story. Or they do, or the letters are written by the utusan people themselves. And they expect people to read them.
This tanjung sepat assemblyman and the ketua kampung who went on a study tour to Germany must have figured they would be rich but the plan went awry when the Opposition won. I reckon they'd use the money from the pig business to perform umrah or donate some to the masjid for kenduri doa selamat. And the people there would say, oh baiknya hati orang umno - without realising the whole village is being fed by pig money. I reckon that's umno way of blinding people to the truth, by feeding on benda2 haram. Sorry, dalam umno mana ada haram, semuanya halal. Sedangkan perkara Hudud diorang buat main2, ini kan pula babi.
And these people had the face to demonstrate with banners 'Lembu Halal, babi haram, bodoh!' Hmmm, I'm not sure to whom this is directed at. To themselves, or the newly elected Selangor government.
And they complain why people tak pergi blog2 diorang. This is one big joke.
Good entry, doc. I wrote about it halfway but I like yours better.
Doc, I visited a few blogs of those who had nothing nice to say about this pig business to Dato Khalid Ibrahim. I left a comment asking them to refer to The Sun 14 April 2008 page 14. I've revisited those blogs again this morning and surprisingly, the entries have been deleted completely, and replaced with other entries.
I believe it's good that they behave this way in the blogs so that people will see for themselves that these people intend to use blog to lie even bigger than mainstream media. In the end, people can compare blogs to make the choice in the next general election.
I'd say, these people are digging themselves into an early graves
Kat China guna firing squad for party cleansing? Hmmm...interesting! Very interesting!
maybe boleh suggest kat Najib pasai tentu banyak komisyen bila nak beli senapang banyak2.
What I notice, the UMNO leaders at cawangan,bahagian,DUN and state levels are like dumb. Maybe they are dumb. Its likely they are dumb.What the heck,they are DUMB.
And in their rage they suffer acute amnesia or selective amnesia. When emotion runs high and seeing that the promised commission is fast slipping away...they did what they are good for.
They will expose something that will finally backfire them.
They always play with the Malay and religious sentiment whenever it suits them and while doing it they forgot that they were the one who had vested interest.
And they think ppl are so dumb like them.
The CM of Melaka,Ali Rustam had the cheek to slammed the Selangor govt about this piggy issue. Of all the people,Ali?
I remember how cowardly Ali asked najib to settle the pig issue in Melaka last year.Despite the promises,there are still lots of pig farms in Melaka and Ali is keeping very quiet about it.
Pigs are big issues both to the Malays and Chinese though in the opposite end.
The Malay just hate pigs and the Chinese just loves pigs.
We have to balance between the two.
For me the farms must be far from any settlements esp the Malay kampongs unlike in Melaka.
And the farms must be well manage and ecofriendly. Pollution must be reduced.
If this German technologies to be used in selangor can assure a safe and clean environment I wolud mind at all.
If the farms(like all present farms anywhere in Malaysia)are still polluting the environment I am against it whether its in Selangor,Melaka,Negeri 9,Kedah,Penang or Perak.
si ADUN tu, typical la case masuk kandang kambing mengembek, masuk kadang babi menjunus keris.
so anyway, i dont quite find all these hoo-ha a real issue. the proposed project will be systematically organised, environmental-friendly and since the rm100m is already there, just go ahead and get it done. so far aku tengok TS Khalid are pretty much on the right track, and i am all for the betterment of the state.
Do you think if BN had retained Selangor all these goons will demo or object to the MPF?
They will just quietly fill their pockets.
tokasid, it is a blessing in disguise that the change happened. Now the rakyaat should know that we should never allow one party to rule for such a long time. The want to play God. Now all the northern states except Perlis has gone to PR, things would not be the same any more.
The Babi issue is just a development project. Since one way or another it had to be implemented, the umNO people try to take advantage but it backfired when MCA came out with that statement. I believe more are to come. The Pandora Box of the Malaysian politic has just been sprung open. It is good for democracy, good for the country and of course good for the rakyaat.
So when is Melaka going for change. Normally the water flows toward the south. Remember the tsunami is just in a pause position.
Have a nice day.
Doc, useful posting indeed!! I suspect this is just the tip of the iceberg! As Sir Bergen noted, how can we expect people yang dah 'sedar' to have any respect for Umno anymore with this sort of 'menangguk di air jerneh' mentaliti? And they have the gut to claim themselves Muslims? No wonder lah I heard someone once said that if non-Muslims were to convert to Muslims, it wouldn't be because of the akhlak of a lot of Muslims nowadays (including those in tanah kelahiran Rasullullah itself!)... its because hidayah dari Allah swt. Take care & salam... rindu ikan kering & budu (also ikan pekasam & cincalaok)... tak sabar nak balik summer ke Malaya.
Pak Idrus:
The tsunami wave is sure gonna reach south.
despite knowing what BN will do,it still amazes me with this 'anger' by Sepang UMNO about the pig issue.
If BN still retained Selangor I'm sure they'll be very happy to go ahead with the same project.
And as you have known Ali Rustam is blogging( but I think its one of his balaci doing it) and he is telling off Selangor. He must have forgotten about the pigs in Melaka.
Spot on bro.Even UMNo members have lost respect to their leaders and they want change.
As per Muslim with bad akhlak, its bcoz we don't follow the tenets of Islam well.We are more of Muslim keturunan sort of people rather than Muslim with ilmu type. Many of us don't even bother to learn anything more than what they knew in Std 6. We don't improve our solat or fasting qualities. Even our wudhu is suspected!
If you come back to tanah Malaya, pls do let us know. maybe another gathering during that time. Err..with kompang to sambut you pulang.
Thanks Doc for the feedback. In fact after a year or so here in KSA, and looking at the way many 'Arabs/Muslims' drive for example and their attitudes, among other things, kadang2 I wonder whatever happened to "ruh Islam" of these people who are supposed to be closest to Rasulullah's path... it reminds me that I too have to improve a lot and raise beyond the "born Muslim" mindset, as you rightly said. Inshaallah looking forward jumpa you & Sir Bergen balik nanti... tak payahlah kompang... ikan pekasam dah cukup! Salam.
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